Alice Calamita (Sapienza University of Rome) has won the 3rd edition of the AIROYoung Dissertation Award (AYDA) with a Ph.D. thesis entitled “Location problems with covering constraints: models and solution approaches for the telecommunications“, supervised by Prof. Laura Palagi.
Alice reached a total of 99.375 points, 3 of which assigned after her presentation at the ODS 2024 session dedicated to the AYDA.
Before assigning the prize, 34 expert reviewers have evaluated 16 candidate theses in 2 revision rounds. The average score of the theses has been 81.73 (out of 100), witnessing the high quality of the submitted theses.
Congratulations to all participants!

The other finalists were:
- Pierluigi Mansueto (University of Firenze) with a thesis entitled “Pareto Front Reconstruction of Multi-Objective Optimization Problems” (supervisors Prof. F. Schoen and Prof. M. Sciandrone)
- Elena Rener (Politecnico di Torino) with a thesis entitled “Single Machine Rescheduling for New Orders. Properties, complexity and solution algorithms” (supervisors Prof. F. Salassa and Prof. V. T’kindt)
- Roberto Maria Rosati (University of Udine) with a thesis entitled “Multi-Neighborhood Search for Combinatorial Optimization” (supervisor Prof. A. Schaerf)