AIRO Young Researchers Chapter

AIRO Young Researchers Chapter is part of the Italian Operational Research Society (AIRO). It aims to foster collaboration between students and early-career researchers interested in the field of Operations Research and to provide them with new opportunities to advance their careers and expand their networks. Also, it strives to connect the demand and the offer in the OR job market, both in academia and industry.

To become an AIROYoung member, you have to be a member of AIRO and fulfill any of the following conditions:

  1. Be enrolled in a Bachelor, Masters, or PhD course in a field related to OR;
  2. Have obtained your PhD degree in a field related to OR no more than five years ago;
  3. Be no more than 35 years old and have a strong interest in OR.
AIROYoung mailing list

The Mailing List is the main channel to discuss with other AIRO Young members, organize initiatives, or share interesting information about Operational Research and young researchers.

AIROYoung opportunities

The Opportunities database is a curated list of open positions in both industry and academia, directed at early-career Operational Research scientists.

AIROYoung Resources

The Resources database contains seminars, tutorials, and all the material that can help OR students and young researchers in their scientific activity.

AIROYoung Interviews

The Interviews database will show how this website can connect the Industry and the Academic worlds, offering interesting stories by companies, who found their next employees, and by AIROYoungers, who found their next position, thanks to our Opportunities page.

Click here to reach the website of 8th AIRO Young workshop
8th AIROYoung workshop – Rende, February 2024
Click here to reach the website of 7th AIRO Young workshop
7th AIROYoung workshop – Milan, February 2023
Click here to visit the IFORS issue
IFORS News – June 2022
The 6th AIROYoung workshop was held in Rome at Univ. of Roma 3 from February 23rd to February 25th, 2022
6th AIROYoung workshop – Rome, February 2022