Tag: activity

  • Serena Fugaro wins the AYDA 2022

    Serena Fugaro (University “Federico II” of Naples) has won the 1st edition of the AIROYoung Dissertation Award (AYDA) with a Ph.D. thesis entitled “Optimizing and Reoptimizing: Tackling Static and Dynamic Combinatorial Problems“, supervised by P. Festa. Serena reached a total of 96.5 points. The prize was awarded at the ODS 2022 session dedicated to the…

  • Riccardo Giusti wins the AYDA 2023

    Riccardo Giusti wins the AIROYoung Dissertation Award 2023

  • The New Generation of OR Enthusiasts: the AIROYoung Experiment

    In this article, Lavina Amorosi and Martina Fischetti tell us about the story of the AIROYoung Researchers Chapter. The article begins with the first steps of the AIROYoung community and presents the advances it has achieved in its first decade of existence.